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Planning your class reunion?
Just trying to get everyone back together?

Sign up today to bring back the memories!

Website Pricing:
Annual Fee:
The Annual Fee gives you full access to your class website, your administration pages and database, the e-mailer, trivia quizzes, slideshows, all other services listed on the website features page. You and your classmates will also be able to use the Alumni Directory (free of charge) to create your Alumni profiles and also to keep in touch with classmates and alumni from other classes using the site.
Class Size Yearly Fee
$ 49 ($4.08/mo.)
$ 69 ($5.75/mo.)
$ 89 ($7.42/mo.)


Step 1: Sign-up Form
Your First Name:
Your Last Name: (required)
My Email: (required)
Graduating Class of: (required)
Our class had: (required)
If you have an existing class e-mail account, please list it here:
Please explain your interest in starting a class website on BethelReunions.com.
Terms of Use Agreement:
By entering the security code and then clicking the "Continue" button below, I acknowledge that I am a member of the graduating class indicated above and that I am soliciting the services of BethelReunions.com in good faith as a representative of my class.

I also acknowledge that I intend to create, manage and update a class reunion website and class database on their behalf and acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the BethelReunions.com Terms of Use Agreement.

Please enter the security code displayed below:

(Note: We use this code to discourage automated
postings by advertisers/spammers.)


15-day Free Trial?

If you're on your reunion planning committee or are interested in starting a reunion website
for your class, you can also request a 15-day Free Trial to see how the website works.

(Be sure to give us your name and graduation year when you contact us.)

CLICK HERE to request your free trial.